Bagua Circle Walking
$24.99 per month
i-Bagua offers detailed and interactive courses through the Mighty Networks learning platform and over live zoom classes.

Bagua has a reputation for being complex, however the core practice of bagua circle walking is reasonably simple.
While many people practice for health and meditation Bagua is still a martial art. In combat there is not time to choose from a vast array of techniques. Bagua approaches this by working with movement patterns that can be adapted naturally in the moment to the situation at hand.
Included in the Bagua Circle Walking Course
- A comprehensive exercise system that you can practice and refine for decades
- A powerful lens to see and understand other Bagua, martial and movement systems
- A foundation you can take to other styles and exercise methods
- 50 separate lessons
- Class recordings
- A money back guarantee
- Space for your questions
- Access to an amazing community
The most important ideas and skills that you need to develop your Bagua practice + access to a supportive community.
The Circle walking course provides the details you need, and a progression of exercises so you can develop solid Bagua skills without wasting time.
Simplicity is at the heart of genuine Bagua, because one goal is to find the common elements of movement that can respond to all kinds of situations. Bagua uses a few key movement patterns in combination with special stepping methods to develop the body and anchor the mind. These simple methods however can provide a high level of health and fitness. Bagua can be practiced in a smaller area than other martial arts.
In Bagua circle walking practice there are subtle details that are easy to misunderstand. That’s why it’s a fools game to try and copy videos on Youtube.
The bagua circle walking course provides detailed video and written material that will provide several years of study. What’s more, the course is instructed by a disciple of one of the greatest living bagua masters.